
Friday, January 13, 2012

From Hile to Terhathum - 2

Towards Terhathum from Basantapur.

Narrow road......dangerous road

Great views...........enchanting journey

We headed towards the district headquarter Myanglung....beautiful villages on the way......Lasune, a beautiful place and more beautiful were the girls who lived there...I kept on staring at the windows but why would they look at me???

 Passed Lasune and headed towards Jirikhimti where there are bigger businesses, about 80-90 houses....This is also where the old British pensioners receive their pensions.

Myanglung which was ravaged by the fire in 2059 B.S. The people seem to be developing socially, intellectually and economically. Mostly people from the Limbu tribe live here.

I was surprised to see the  underground drainage system.

                                                                           thank you

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